RASI Certifications
Tier I – Basic
Tier I – Basic
Learn the basic functions of the Rock Art Stability Index and how to distinguish different decay features assessed in the index. This is the primary certification to be able to apply RASI in the field, but further training is needed to analyze results or train others.
Pre-requirements: none
Tier II – Analyst
Tier II – Analyst
Expand upon the skills and knowledge gained during Tier I training to be able to interpret results of the index and provide further insights regarding underlying rock decay process and management suggestions. Tier II training focuses on the intricate and technical aspects of rock decay science as applied to rock art.
Pre-requirements: Tier I RASI training
Tier III – Trainer
Tier III – Trainer
Pairing additional training with extensive field experiences, Tier III certification is reserved for individuals wishing to train others at both basic and analyst levels. This level of training is much more time intensive and requires considerable time and commitment to complete.
Pre-requisites: Tier I & II RASI training
CSSI Certifications
Tier II – Analyst
Tier II – Analyst
Gain the skills & knowledge to interpret index results and provide further insights regarding underlying rock decay process for management purposes. Tier II training focuses on the intricate and technical aspects of rock decay science as applied to cultural stone such as monuments, bridges, and buildings.
Pre-requisites: Tier I CSSI training and Tier 2 RASI training
Tier I – Basic
Tier I – Basic
Learn the basic functions of the Cultural Stone Stability Index and how to distinguish different decay components assessed in the index. This represents the primary certification for conducting CSSI in the field, but further training is required to analyze results or train others.
Pre-requirements: none
Tier III – Trainer
Tier III – Trainer
Pairing additional training with extensive field experiences, Tier III certification is reserved for individuals wishing to train others at both basic and analyst levels. This level of training is much more time intensive and requires considerable time and commitment to complete.
Pre-requisites: Tier I & II CSSI training
Please contact us for pricing and scheduling free video consultations